Currently, in difficult economic times, to develop the company one must follow the principle of market compliance and customer-centric. Customers are the source to help businesses grow. Businesses value market research and customer care before and after sales. Why should I use CRM Software? To take care of the customers, there should be a good team of staff, with good strategy, orientation as well as support tools. To fulfill these requirements CRM software has been launched to meet the expectations of businesses. 1. The reason why businesses should use CRM software 1.1 Improve profits for businesses All businesses that have used CRM software have a breakthrough, improving their profits after 3 - 6 months. In many cases, this time is much shorter. Customer conversion rate up to 30% sales increased from 20 - 30% Sales productivity increased by 20-25% Customer satisfaction level increased from 30 - 35% Rate of purchase increase to 30% Profit increased by...
This article outlines the necessity of ERP software and strategies for its implementation.